Thursday, October 21, 2010

10/21/10 (Girl Rant, essentially.)

The cute girl clique pisses me off. They're all the same, but suppose they're different from everyone else. Subsequently, this leads to a little clique of intertwining cliques that don't believe in cliques. They all wear their white shirts and floral skirts, or sizable sweaters and jeans. They all love Zooey Deschnael and jjuuuust want to "be themselves!" They all think they have an "original" taste in music "don't give a fuck." They all think they're living their little teenage lives to just have fun and hope to find love someday. They all try to be bohemian, follow trends and say that trends are pointless. They all think their sarcasm and stolen wit is clever and funny. They all "live their lives for summer" and hate school. They all hate ignorant people but ignore their own lack of honesty. The funny thing is, a good analogy for them is the Gorgon Sisters. They all share the same eye and the same mouth. But see these Gorgon Sisters are also the witch from Hansel and Gretel. They'll lure you in with their fucking candy and you will be blind to their patterns and habits. They all complain about their sucky days, but all their days are sucky for the same reasons. This clique needs to just open their eyes a bit and I need to stop dating one of them.

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